A Much Needed Address

Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami repeated PM Modi's words in an address to people. Telling them the seriousness of this pandemic and asking them to stay home, followed by a strict warning to violators. Certainly, it was needed given the violations on first day of lockdown. Police action-reaction videos have gone viral. In Chennai, cops were found pleading to motorists to stay home. At some places, they spot-punished the violators, while did lathi charge in few places reportedly. According to guidelines, the movement of essential items like milk, grocery, medical supplies, and newspapers is allowed. But in few places, vehicles carrying essentials were stopped causing disruption in their distribution. A system like GPS tracker could be installed on such vehicles to avoid confusion. Indeed it will not be easy but tough time calls for tough measures. Hippocrates, greek physicican, had said "For extreme diseases, extreme methods of cure, as to restriction, are most suitable",  and police action seems to be its implementation. But the current situation demands more responsible actions from the police and people.

Summarized from 367 words to 177

Detailed post can be found at Enforcing discipline during coronavirus lockdown


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